Our first round of funding will be supplied by our ‘Genesis’ NFT Collection mint, named “Genesis”.
Funds collected will be allocated into three separate categories: Mission Giving Fund (MGF), MissionDAO Operations (MDO), and the MissionDAO Community Wallet (MDC).
The mint price for our Genesis NFT collection will be between USD$300-400.
Here is the breakdown on how we would be allocating the funds, for the purposes of our first NFT art sales, ‘Genesis’.
Any change to the allocation of funds will be done as a community, by way of voting.
70% | 20% | 10% |
Mission Giving Fund (MGF) | MissionDAO Operations (MDO) | MissionDAO Community Wallet (MDC) |
Physical & Digital Missions Funding | Payment for the work done by the Team prior to Mint. |
2022 Q2 Hiring Budget (Total 4-5 Months of Hire)
Miscellaneous Operation Costs | DAO Token Holders Rewards
Payment for the work done by the artists for the ‘Genesis’ NFTs. |
As with all that we do, our heart posture matters. We firmly ask that you do not treat this project, or the NFTs, as financial instruments for capital gain.
However, if there are any secondary market sales, commission from the NFT art will go to the MissionDAO Operations (MDO).
Flow of MissionDAO funds.