“I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light”


Our Story

MissionDAO is the world’s first transparent and decentralised missions-giving ecosystem that seeks to advance the Kingdom of God on earth and in the Metaverse.


To advance the King and His cause, we’ve brought together a diverse team of individuals passionate about unveiling the beauty of Christ and His story at the intersections of Web3 and Christian missions.

We believe that MissionDAO exists to unite, bring together, and give a platform for Christians with a heart for missions and a hunger for His word to do their best work. And we do our best work when we know how loved we are by the Father.

If you are interested to serve the Lord through this new avenue... join us!

P.S. We currently have volunteer openings to serve as a MissionDAO Discord Moderator aka MissionDAO’s “Mighty Men”. Check it out and apply below. ☺️

Volunteer With Us

[MissionDAO Discord Moderator | Mighty Men]

✨ Our Vision